Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Let's learn Japanese

* Watching a video is a very great way to easily learn Japanese.  I have provided a mini-dictionary for the translations of  some of the words in the video. This video is about using rice flour as wheat flour replacement.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries informed that because the rice consumption of the Japanese people is decreasing, a new initiative to use  powdered rice (rice flour) at home is started. Rice flour contains more starch than wheat flour and thus smoother, moreover, rice absorbs more water resulting into a soft food texture. Because of this, new food texture for pans and cakes can be made. In addtion, it can also be used as a thickenning for curry and stew. 

This approach leads to improvements in the rate of self-sufficiency in rice flour to replace the product was made in the flour, this is until Friday, 29th.



米粉 (komeko, こめこ) - rice flour
日本人 (nihonjin, にほんじん) - Japanese
農林水産省 (nourinsuisanshou, のうりんすいさんしょう) -  Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.
消費量 (shouhiryou, しょうひりょう) - consumption amount
年々 (nennen, ねんねん) - year by year
減少 (genshou, げんしょう) - decrease
米 (kome, こめ) - rice
粉末 (funmatsu, ふんまつ) - fine powder
家庭 (katei, かてい) - home 
活用 (katsuyou, かつよう) - practical use
新た (arata, あらた) - new 
取り組み (torikumi, とりくみ) effort, initiative 
小麦粉 (komugiko, こむぎこ) wheat flour
でんぷん (denpun, でんぷん) starch
多く (ooku, おおく) largely 
感 (kan, かん) feeling
水分 (suibun, すいぶん) moisture
吸収 (kyuushuu, きゅうしゅう) - absorption
しっとり (shittori, しっとり) - moist 
食感 (shokkan, しょっかん) - food texture
加える (kuwaeru, くわえる) - to include
さらり (sarari, さらり) - smooth 
とろみ (toromi, とろみ) - thickness 
作られていた (tsukurareteita, つくられていた) - used
製品 (seihin, せいひん) - product
置き換える (okikaeru, おきかえる) - to replace 
カレー (kare-, カレー) - curry
シチュー (suchu-, シチュー) - stew
ケーキ (ke-ki, ケーキ) - cake
パン (pan, パン) - bread 
自給率 (jikyuuritsu, じきゅうりつ) - self-sufficiency
向上 (koujyou, こうじょう) - rise, advancement
金曜日 (kinyoubi, きんようび) - friday

* Translations are not 100% accurate, comments or suggestions are welcome.

- Article by tokyomx

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